Neogard Application Manuals


Application Manuals are comprehensive documents which contain almost everything that construction personnel need to know about applying our products on a construction site. They also provide specifiers and estimators basic information about our products and systems, and a wealth of support information. These manuals are technical documents, but they are also useful for customer relations and marketing. Customers have the printed manuals on the shelf, so they keep us top of mind.


Application: Adobe InDesign. Typefaces: Franklin Gothic URW Medium, Arial.

Each major segment—roofing, flooring, and waterproofing and deck coating—has its own Application Manual. They include application instructions for every system in the segment, adapted from our Guide Specifications, plus sections on surface preparation, adhesion testing, weather conditions, safety, and more.

We publish new Application Manuals every November, ahead of our annual Applicator Training sessions held in December. We distribute printed versions at those training sessions. I publish updated versions on the website as PDFs if we have major changes to products or systems.

We moved to a new design for 2018. The design matched our Neogard marketing materials; we finally had unified design standards for all our documents. In 2020, we rebranded Neogard with a new logo and a slightly different red color. The manual covers were created by a design contractor, but the inside content and design are entirely mine.

Click the image below for a PDF of our 2020 Application Manual for waterproofing and deck coating systems.

Previous Version

The previous Neogard Application Manuals were an evolutionary design. I made incremental improvements to them since 2015. The base design was created by my predecessors in 2013. I created a general InDesign template for them in 2015, but it was modified significantly since then. I rolled in changes to each of the three segment manuals individually, and save a new version of the file for each year or update.

Typefaces: Swis721 BlkEX BT Black, Xerox Sans Serif Wide, Arial.